Friday, October 2, 2009

A lovely book!!!

By Janie Feldman Gross
The Afterlife of Flowers


  1. Oh, hey, I love that header. You are riht in what you say on your sidebar about what art does for you!! I think it applies to any creative form even for NON-art stuff---anything that is creative --ie cooking, gardening, crocheting etc--I think the whole creative thing is a reflection of God's imprint on us and we find so much joy etc when we embark on creative things!!

  2. This is lovely. I also enjoyed the crow photos and the ones of the moon. Thanks for stopping by for a visit to Hyacinths For The Soul and for leaving the thoughtful comment. I appreciate it.
    Have a great weekend. ~ Sarah

  3. Hello,

    Love pressing flowers, great book!

    ~ Gabriela ~
